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Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

What follows is a worship service which, I pray, you can participate in at a time(s) that are convenient to you. This 'service' will take about forty five (45) minutes.

I pray that you will feel called to ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE in this service.

The text that is in regular typeface (that is what you are reading at the moment) is to be read quietly, while the text that is in
bold face (like you are reading right now) is meant to be read aloud.

Opening Hymn:

Let us continue by watching, and please do feel free to sing or read aloud the lyrics, as we commence our praise and thanksgiving.

When you are ready - click the "play" button on the video window, below:

A Call To Worship:

We meet in the name of God,

Creator of the universe,

source of true humanity,

mother and father of all. Amen.

An Assurance of Forgiveness:

(click the 'play' button below to listen)

The Absolution
00:00 / 00:18

The Sentence For Today (let us say aloud):

The Sentence For Today (let us say aloud):

I wait for the Lord; my soul waits for him; in His word is my hope.

The Special Prayer For Today (let us pray aloud):

The Special Prayer For Today (let us pray aloud):

Grant to us, Lord, we pray, the spirit to think and do always those things that are right, that we, who cannot exist without you, may by you be enabled to live according to your will; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Our first reading for today:

(click the 'play' button below to listen)

2 Samuel 18:5-9, 15, 31-33
00:00 / 01:55

Our second reading for today:

(click the 'play' button below to listen)

Ephesians 4:25-5:2
00:00 / 02:25

Gradual Hymn:

Let us continue by watching, and please do feel free to sing or read aloud the lyrics, as we raise out voices in praise and thanksgiving.

When you are ready - click the "play" button on the video window, below:

A reading from the holy gospel according to Saint John.

John 6:35, 41-51
00:00 / 02:01

Listen to David speak to this gospel

Eat The Bread. Become The Bread!
00:00 / 11:10

or, if you prefer, you can read the sermon, below:

Sermon for Ordinary 19, Sunday, 11th Aug 2024

MAY the words of my mouth and the meditations in our hearts be acceptable in your sight O Lord, our strength and our Redeemer. <Amen>

Today, Jesus leaves us in no doubt, He tells us quite explicitly, that He is the bread of life, the bread that came down from heaven.

Last Sunday I listened to a man talking about his beloved wife and how she had died just two days earlier. As he was overcome with emotion, began to weep, and sat down several people hurried to gather around him, to touch him and offer words of comfort and consolation. <PAUSE>

Maybe you and I are to become the bread of life, just like Jesus.

Think about all the people, relationships, and experiences that have fed, nourished, comforted and sustained your life. Think about a time when someone else fed and nourished your life and I mean more than that they fixed your supper. I’m talking about the kind of people that spend their time and their presence with us. They love us. They teach us. The care for us. They encourage us. And our lives are fed and nourished by them. Sometimes it’s not even what they say or do, just being in his or her presence is itself bread. Aren’t there some people that when you spend time with them you just feel well fed and full?

Recall someone who offered you wisdom or guidance, who listened to your life, or spoke a word of hope or encouragement that nourished and sustained your life. They were bread for you. Or maybe there was someone who helped you discover meaning or purpose in your life. Perhaps it was someone who said, “I forgive you” and you were strengthened to move forward. Maybe someone believed in you when you weren’t so sure about yourself. Our lives are nourished and fed by others in thousands of ways.

How have you been fed by the life of another? What if that’s what Jesus is talking about when he speaks of himself as the bread of life?

Throughout the gospels we see Jesus feeding and nourishing life in so many ways and circumstances: through his love, presence, guidance, and teaching; through his healing, forgiveness, and mercy; through his generosity, compassion, and wisdom. This is the bread that feeds our souls.

I dare to propose to you in this message that these qualities are not unique to Jesus. I dare to suggest that when we feed from Christ then we, in turn, can possess the qualities OF Christ.

It’s one way God shares God’s life with us. We both eat that bread of life and WE BECOME IT.

We partake of the bread of someone else’s life and our life is nourished, our life is sustained, our life is strengthened. Who would that person be for you? What’s her or his name? What did he or she do or say that fed your life? So then, in turn, when have you been bread in someone else’s life? When have you fed and nourished them? When have you sustained them? When have you strengthened them?

We so often hear Jesus say, “I am the bread of life,” and we assume He is the only loaf in the basket. But what if that is not what he is saying? What if He is not claiming to be the exclusive loaf of bread in this world?

What if Jesus is teaching us what the bread of life looks like so we can find it in this world, so we can become like that bread and WE can be that bread for another?

Consider this, what if the bread that Jesus offers not only draws us closer to God, through Him, but also gives us the recipe to become as He is, to become the bread of life for the world?

Maybe that’s just how God works in the world. Something in us, through Christ, gets leavened, rises, and becomes bread for others. <PAUSE>

I think that is the direction and focus of Jesus these last few weeks. We have been in the sixth chapter of John’s account of the gospel for the last three weeks. It’s been three weeks of feeding, three weeks of bread, and we’ve got two more to go. Something’s going on here.

Christ invites us to come closer to God by being drawn to the bread that He is, the bread that He offers ….. what we then do with that invitation and that bread is critical … and I am suggesting to you that in eating of Christ, as the true bread of eternal life, you also partake of a recipe for that bread and with the help of Christ, through the Holy Spirit, we can become life-sustaining bread for others. <PAUSE>

May our heavenly Father continue to guide, strengthen and bless us; all the time continuing to nourish us through His Son, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

I runga e te Ingoa o te Atua, te Matua, te Tama me te Wairua Tapu. <AMINE>
In the name of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit <AMEN>

Pause and Reflect

Just take a moment now to pause. Bow your head, close your eyes.

Allow these words of Holy Scripture and this interpretation of them today to speak to you.

An Affirmation of Our Faith

Let us affirm our faith by saying aloud, and together, "The Apostles Creed":

Image by Allef Vinicius

... and now let us pray for the Church, the World, and Ourselves, giving thanks for God's goodness.

​Let us pray aloud, and together:

Everlasting God as we come before you today, with humility and thankfulness, we ask that You will hear our prayers of thanksgiving and intercession.

(LONGER pause for silent, personal reflection)

In response to the call today “Lord, in Your mercy” Our response is, “hear our prayer!”

(Short Silence) Lord, in Your mercy: hear our prayer

Almighty God we pray for Your people in our own communities and across the world; may we be given a clear vision of what is needed to be both focused and relevant in all that is good and serves Your purpose of spreading the Good News and becoming ‘bread that feeds others’.

(Short Silence) Lord, in Your mercy: hear our prayer

Creator God we thank you for the beauty of the created world; for its wonderful variety and the bounty that it brings forth.  Help us all to be good stewards showing love and friendship to all peoples and the enjoying the warmth and light they bring to our lives.  Be close to all who govern ensuring the decisions that they make, day by day, are made to benefit all of the people entrusted to them in their leadership.

(Short Silence) Lord, in Your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God we pray for our own communities and ALL of our neighbours. We thank You also for our families and friends, raising before You those we know with particular needs. May Your peace and love surround them bringing with it comfort and strength.

(Short Silence) Lord, in Your mercy: hear our prayer

Gracious God we thank you for those we know who are on the road to recovery and for the miracle of healing.  We pray for all who minister to the sick and infirm, both at home and in hospital care centres. We name before you now, those we know who are ill or in need of our prayers asking that through these requests they may all experience the light of the Gospel and a real sense of your healing presence.

We especially raise before You now all those who have asked for our prayers from around the world … those we know in New Zealand, in Singapore, in Argentina, in France, in Australia, in the US, in Canada, in Austria, in Ukraine, in China and any others we now name aloud, or in the silence of our hearts, and those who are known only by You.

(Short Silence) Lord, in Your mercy: hear our prayer

Merciful God we pray for those whose lives have been shattered by the death of someone close and dear to them. We pray for members of our natural and church families who have died and whose anniversary we remember now.

May all the faithful departed now rest in peace as they most surely have risen in glory.

(Short Silence) Lord, in Your Mercy: Hear our prayer

In a moment of silence we pray for ourselves, our families, friends, for all whom we love and for our personal ministries. Make the things that we choose to do be worthy of the bread we receive through Your Son.

(Short Silence) Lord, in Your mercy: hear our prayer

Faithful God receive our intercessions and thanksgiving on behalf of Your people and the world.  Hear our prayers and reward our stewardship of this earth with the riches of heaven.

(Short Silence) Lord, in Your mercy: hear our prayer

Forth in the peace of Christ we go; Christ to the world with joy we bring; Christ in our minds, Christ on our lips, Christ in our hearts, the world’s true King.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of Your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  AMEN.


Remembering that we are confident to pray this day, and every day, because Jesus Christ continues to teach us:

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,

your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours
now and for ever.   Amen.

Let us conclude our prayers by praying together and aloud:


God of mercy,
you have given us grace to pray with one heart and one voice,
and have promised to hear the prayers
of two or three who agree in your name,
fulfil now, we pray,
the prayers and longings of your people
as may be best for us and for your kingdom.
Grant us in this world to know your truth,
and in the world to come to see your glory. Amen.

The Blessing

May The Risen Lord Christ turn His face towards each and every one of you.

May He cause His light to shine upon you, and

may He grant you His peace, and


The blessing of Almighty God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

be with you and all of those whom you love,

on this day and forever more.

A Closing Hymn:

Let us conclude our worship today by watching, and please do feel free to sing or read aloud the lyrics, as we unite in another hymn our praise and thanksgiving.

When you are ready - click the "play" button on the video window, below:

The Dismissal

Go now, go out into the world

to love and serve The Lord.


Go in peace.

AMEN, we go in the name of Christ.

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